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New Jersey CC Processing Services

Sign Up For An Internet Merchant Account

MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Credit Cards

An Internet Merchant Account is for those businesses that will be operating an e-Commerce website and accepting payments from customers via the Internet. Customers will not be physically present and their payment information will be transmitted to the Merchant Account Processor via a Secure Payment Gateway. The Payment Gateway can be accessed in 3 separate ways: (1) integrated with your website via an Application Programming Interface (API); (2) linked to your website via an html link on your Site; or (3) via a Virtual Terminal that allows you to process Authorizations, Sales, and Returns manually.

Click here to complete the quick online pre-application!

Fees to accept credit cards on the Internet:
Application Fee $0.00
Setup Fee $0.00
Monthly Statement Fee $0.00(1)
Discount Rate ($25 Monthly Minimum) 2.39%(2)
Per Transaction Fee $0.25(2)
AVS (Address Verification Service) $0.05
Monthly Customer Service Fee
(Includes 24/7 e-Mail, Web, & Phone Support)
You can choose any of the following Gateways to process credit cards via your Website. All Gateways also include a Virtual Terminal to process transactions manually.
Linkpoint Payment Gateway - Setup FREE
Linkpoint Payment Gateway - Monthly $25.00
Linkpoint Payment Gateway - Transaction $0.00
Linkpoint Payment Gateway - Setup $99.00
Linkpoint Payment Gateway - Monthly $15.00
Linkpoint Payment Gateway - Transaction $0.00
Authorize.Net - Setup FREE
Authorize.Net - Monthly $25
Authorize.Net - Transaction $0.10
Authorize.Net - One Time Setup $99.00
Authorize.Net - Monthly $15
Authorize.Net - Transaction $0.10
Verisign Payflow Link - One Time $139.95
Verisign Payflow Link - Monthly $15.95
Verisign Payflow Link - Transaction $0.10 (First 500 transactions per month are FREE)
Verisign Payflow Pro - One Time $199.95
Verisign Payflow Pro - Monthly $49.95
Verisign Payflow Pro - Transaction $0.10 (First 1000 transactions per month are FREE)

1. For online statements.
2. High risk companies may require higher rates & fees.


Toll-Free 800-431-0393

Cardservice International